Bob, a middle-aged attorney, embarked on the "Xtreme Diet." It sounded promising, with its magical claims of shedding pounds faster than a cat...
In your quest for longevity, the focus has traditionally been on increasing lifespan, but what about the quality of those extra years?
You should feel pretty good after completing the previous eight workouts in this current training cycle.
This week is a good time to start...
You ever take a stroll down memory lane and think, "Wow, times have really changed!" My dad grew up in Phillipsburg, New Jersey, in the 1960s, and...
The world seems to be obsessed with setting goals, achieving milestones, and constantly chasing after the next big thing.
But what if I told...
Today, we embark on an exciting journey to explore the fascinating world of age management and its profound impact on increasing longevity.
There is a unique piece of equipment that can help refresh your leg workouts and build serious lower-body strength.
This special tool is...
I'm a big fan of soft-serve ice cream. Especially if it's the salted caramel kind, in a sugar cone.
Every so often I will enjoy a pint of frozen...
As the years pass by, you will eventually find yourself wondering how you can maintain your health, energy, and zest for life as you age.
The quest...
As summer's last hurrah fades into the horizon, a day emerges on the calendar that symbolizes more than just a respite from work or a chance for a...
Before we get into the training plan for this week, a thought:
Your willpower will never beat your environment.
Continue reading for my suggestions...
A 50-something-year-old gentleman reached out, asking for my help. He received a bad medical report from his doctor and was struggling to...
If I had a dollar for every excuse I've heard to rationalize an unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle, well, I'd have a lot of dollars.
It's no secret...
When I was in middle school, around seventh grade, my go-to breakfast was a large bowl of processed cereal grains drenched in cold cow's milk.
If you're searching for a sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong into a heart-pounding, adrenaline-pumping experience,...
Smart training is an essential part of any fat-loss plan.
And when your workout program includes resistance training and metabolic conditioning,...
Picture this: two individuals set out to achieve the same goal. Both have similar skills, resources, and starting points.
The one who persists, who...
Do you rely on willpower to "eat healthy" and make mindful nutrition choices?
Maybe you think willpower is the solution to your obstacles, fears,...
Ethan, a 60-something executive in the pharmaceutical industry, had always dreamed of having a fit and healthy body, but over the past decade he...
Imagine a stonecutter equipped with a massive hammer, standing before an imposing rock.
With each mighty blow, the stonecutter's intention is to...
Research suggests that out of the top-ten things that people regret in their lives before they die, number seven is:
"I wish I had taken better...
In a world inundated with information and endless possibilities to improve your life, it's easy to become overwhelmed. The pursuit of optimal...
Aristotle stated that you're basically a walking, talking version of what you repeatedly do.
Your habits speak louder than a...
In the grand tapestry of life, success is often misconstrued as being entirely dependent on favorable external circumstances.
People tend to...
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