You ever see someone who just looks strong? Not just physically, but mentally, emotionally—like they’ve unlocked some secret code to...
My 70-something-year-old father, George A. Arangio, M.D., made his stand-up comedy debut on a stage in New York City. And let me tell you, the man...
The Arangio Hero Rewards Program is a way for you to join in our mission of getting the community healthy while creating a second income...
Not every guy, over the age of 40, comes to me looking to drop 50-100 pounds.
Some are much closer to their ideal body. Maybe 5-10 pounds away from...
I had a great chat with my friend, John.
I'm proud to say he’s lost 20 pounds of bodyfat and, most importantly, maintained his excellent...
You ever wake up one day, look in the mirror, and think, What happened? That was me at 40. Everything got tougher. Lifting weights? Harder. Keeping...
Read these words of wisdom from Fran Volpe, someone who's been where you may be trying to go.
"At one point my weight ballooned to nearly 290...
Imagine a stonecutter equipped with a massive hammer, standing before an imposing rock.
With each mighty blow, the stonecutter's intention is to...
I wanted to take a minute to remind you to celebrate your little victories.
In the case of Nick, he's demonstrated nothing less than guts and...
As a coach I get much satisfaction helping folks get healthy.
In fact, my wife Sharon and I have dedicated our lives to coaching others and...
The sun has yet to rise; however, I'm feeling hopeful in the early-morning darkness.
With a hot cup of coffee to my left, medium roast to be exact,...
I’d like to congratulate my friend Craig for a job well done.
He lost 36 pounds of body fat in 20 short weeks.
He also lost nine inches from...
Over six months, graphic designer Melissa Lascala completely transformed her body and life.
During that time she lost a whopping 27 pounds.
I interviewed a friend of mine, Dr. Ray Benedetto.
And I must admit, our conversation really was a home run.
Ray is just an incredible person and...
In my 20s, I had the honor of meeting Bo Jackson in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
One of my clients saw the picture below and said, "Bo Knows Joe."
When it comes to weight loss, what you do on your average day matters more than what you do on your best day.
If you want to drop unwanted bodyfat,...
Meet my friend and client, Michael Trump.
He served in the United States Marine Corps and is one of the greatest guys you'll ever meet.
Always has...
Many over-40 men and women are battling obesity and, as a result, paralyzed with fear.
Late nights reading the gloom-and-doom news feed,...
A quick lesson today if you've ever struggled to lose bodyfat.
There’s rarely a week that goes by that an over-40 man or woman doesn’t...
Pause. I’ve written before about what Buddhists call the sacred pause.
This is also known as praying.
Choose moments throughout the day to...
In the rugged realm of professional football, where adversity lurks behind every line of scrimmage and triumph is measured in hard-fought yards,...
Humans are living longer, but not necessarily better.
Advancements in medicine, public health, and technology have led to better sanitation,...
Justin knows what it means to take imperfect action.
He dropped 40 pounds of fat in 13 weeks in our age-management coaching program.
No pills or...
What exactly is an #ArangioHero?
If you’re somewhat new to the Arangio Athletic Fitness Family, you’ve probably come across us using...
Get Lean and Strong After 40
Learn how men and women, over the age of 40, are getting leaner, stronger, and slowing aging with our research-proven system.
Start 14 Days Free