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How to Lead By Example

#arangiohero mindset Jan 25, 2024

My 70-something-year-old father did stand-up comedy, for the first time, on a stage in New York City.

Not only was it very funny, but there were many teachable moments.

In the audience there were something like 1,200 attendees from Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, Princeton University, University of Pennsylvania, and Yale University.

My dad, George Arangio, was the 2018 Ivy Football Association (IFA) Honoree for Cornell University.

He was on that Midtown Manhattan stage, in January 2019, accepting the award and making everybody laugh with his one-liners.

I predict a second career in entertainment.

It was great fun and they made a little movie about it. Definitely worth watching.

In this picture below, Dad is surrounded by so many beautiful women... my wife, mom, sisters, and sister-in-law.

It was impactful listening to my mom talk about the sacrifices they both made for me and my siblings.

How Dad worked long hours at three different hospitals.

Healing his patients. Providing for his family.

Mom was caring for four young children while my dad was in the operating room, fixing broken bones, torn ligaments, and worse.

Never heard either one of them complain about the challenges of balancing work, family, and other grownup responsibilities.

Was it easy? Of course not.

But they are both incredibly thankful for the opportunity to have vocations helping people get healthy. (Mom is a retired nurse.)

Both are also thankful for four healthy kids.

As a kid, I remember Dad getting phone calls, from the hospital, in the middle of the night. Somebody was in a motorcycle crash and need to be stitched back together again.

He would do surgery, all night long, and then see new patients in the office the next day.

Mom always holding down the fort while Dad was away. No complaints.

So it was fitting when he asked my mom to stand up, and accept the "Arangio Family Lifetime Achievement Award" for her equally impressive dedication to our family.

Mom has true grit, just like Dad.

The whole event was a testament to the power of teamwork, taking action, and being consistent. A great lesson for everyone.

How to Lead By Example

Here are a few thoughts on how you can live what you teach and walk the talk. And it starts with mindset.

See, I believe that you’re the architect of your past, present, and future. You can get where you want to go, personally and professionally, by embracing the following ideas.

It starts with change. If you change your beliefs about what you are capable of having, doing, and being. Only then will you change your path.

If you truly believe that you can have the body that you want and you decide that you will have it, well, you’ve just overcome the biggest obstacles blocking your success.

Decide what your "Ideal Body" looks like.

Get clear about who you want to help.

What you want to be known for.

What you will provide for others.

You’re capable of having a more profound impact than you have probably ever imagined on the lives of others and on your own.

In order to reach your true potential, you focus on being the best version of yourself.

Not some watered down version of someone else. You’ve got to be authentic.

Every great leader, every world-class entrepreneur, everyone who has done really great things has been an original. And so are you.

See, if you believe in yourself and you commit to being the best version of you, then things get simpler.

And "keeping it simple" is the next part of the plan.

See, if you know where you want to go, then you can do fewer things. And you can do them better.

Then, it just comes down to producing the outcomes you want.

Taking responsibility for unlocking the greatness inside of you.

This uncomplicated formula for success this year is my wish for you.

By the way, here are some kind words from happy clients who are also leading by example and prioritizing their health.

Leading by example, especially in challenging times, is probably one of the best-kept secrets for long-term success.

My most successful clients demonstrate great attitudes and always do the work. They focus on the fundamental habits of health.

Unfortunately far too many over-40 men and women struggle with obesity and feeling depressed about how they've "let themselves go."

Are you ready to leave a legacy?

Choose to Lead

There are so many things to be thankful for.

But I'm not going to lie, if you are an adult with grown up responsibilities, there will be challenges.

Good news is you already have everything you need. And I'm guiding you every step of the way.

My humble advice is to take advantage of this opportunity to lead by example and stay strong.

You see, so many people are strong. But many use their strength in the wrong way. They will use it to pull people down.

But not you. You will use your strength to lift people up. To build and not destroy.

And you will prosper in the future in so many ways.

You have a decision to make.

How will you use your strength? Hopefully to lead.

Your future will be bright.

I really believe that, if you do these TWO things, you can get there:

  1. Understand what you’re capable of accomplishing, to the point that you’re willing to go "all in" on being the best version of yourself
  2. Pursue health independence with focus and passion

You just have to do fewer things better, so much so that you eventually become your leanest and strongest ever.

And you have to embrace that the only way you can create the body you desire (and the life you want) is to take responsibility for producing it - each and every day.

You’re Not Alone

I’m here with you to help, coach and guide you if and when you need it.

Sometimes the journey to getting lean and strong can be a lonely place; however, when I tell you I’m on your team, I mean it.

Use the excitement that comes with fresh goals to create momentum out of the gate.

After that, embrace this "formula" to keep moving forward until you get where you aspire to go.

To your success,

Coach Joe



Joseph Arangio helps 40+ men and women get leaner, stronger, and happier. He's delivered over 100,000 transformation programs to satisfied clients around the globe. If you want to lose weight from home, with the best online age-management personal trainer, or you want to visit the best longevity personal trainer in the Lehigh Valley, you can take a free 14-day trial.

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