Bob, a middle-aged attorney, embarked on the "Xtreme Diet." It sounded promising, with its magical claims of shedding pounds faster than a cat...
I'm a big fan of soft-serve ice cream. Especially if it's the salted caramel kind, in a sugar cone.
Every so often I will enjoy a pint of frozen...
When I was in middle school, around seventh grade, my go-to breakfast was a large bowl of processed cereal grains drenched in cold cow's milk.
Smart training is an essential part of any fat-loss plan.
And when your workout program includes resistance training and metabolic conditioning,...
Do you rely on willpower to "eat healthy" and make mindful nutrition choices?
Maybe you think willpower is the solution to your obstacles, fears,...
In a world inundated with information and endless possibilities to improve your life, it's easy to become overwhelmed. The pursuit of optimal...
In my experience as a coach, going into a brand-new week unprepared is a surefire way to miss your goal.
When it comes to being mindful with...
Lots of people, over the age of 40 years, ask me how to quickly and easily get fit.
In particular they ask how to drop abdominal fat.
While I know...
You may have unknowingly fallen into a trap.
A modern trap that has stripped away most physical activity from your life.
Nowadays cars rule the...
Mark (not his real name) had struggled with binge eating for many years.
Food had become his coping mechanism for dealing with stress, loneliness,...
In the bustling city of Metropolis, there lived a 45-year-old woman named Emily. Emily was a dedicated mother of three children, a loving wife, and...
Once upon a time, in a bustling neighborhood filled with busy families, there lived a 40-something woman named Emma.
Emma had always been...
Alex was outgoing, social, and loved to unwind with a drink or two after a long day.
He was an executive in his mid-50s, with a wife and three...
I was on the phone with a coaching client, "Betty" (not her real name), and we got on the topic of nutrition, which is a big challenge for her.
Every time you turn around these days, someone's talking about gut health.
It's become more popular than a clown at a kids' birthday party.
In the realm of sports and fitness, few supplements have garnered as much attention as creatine.
And this is good news if you are over the age of...
In today's society, the pursuit of optimal health and physical performance has led many individuals, particularly men over the age of 40, to...
In recent years, the keto diet has gained immense popularity as a way to achieve weight loss and potentially improve overall health.
There is a special way of eating that I've used to help my clients lose fat and achieve incredible results over the past 25+ years.
And the best...
Protein is an essential macronutrient that plays a fundamental role in maintaining your overall health and well-being.
Perhaps you read that...
When it comes to heart health, cholesterol has long been a focus of attention.
I mean, who knew that something so tasty could cause so much...
Metabolic syndrome serves as an advanced warning system, signaling the presence of multiple conditions that can lead to chronic and...
Intermittent fasting is a popular nutrition strategy that has been gaining popularity in recent years.
It involves alternating periods of...
I can tell you from experience that you will have a very good week if you batch-prepare your meals.
I have a delicious recipe to share, but first a...
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