"How to Jump Start Fat Loss with an Affordable and Revolutionary System for Getting Leaner in Just 14 Days"
If You Want a No-Nonsense “Crash Course” in Losing Bodyfat and Getting Healthy… Eating Foods You Love… and Doing Workouts You Actually Enjoy… Then You Want to Read This Letter.
From the Desk of Joseph Arangio
Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA
Dear Friend,
Years ago I was on vacation, in sunny South Carolina, with my lovely wife, Sharon, and our two young children, Giavanna and George.
I was in my mid 40s at the time.
We were on the beach, in our swimsuits, and the sun was shining.
That day's activities included swimming in the salty ocean, building sandcastles, and reading books in beach chairs with our toes in the soft sand.
Throughout the day, several out-of-shape beachgoers walked up to us and politely asked what we did to stay lean and strong.
(Yes, it's weird when strangers approach you to inquire about your diet but it will make more sense in a minute.)
I responded that we are healthy as a result of a lifestyle of smart training, mindful nutrition, and getting deep sleep.
Nearly everyone remarked that they did not have the dedication to do this, but would still like to "jump start" their fat loss and lose some weight.
It got me thinking:
To Become an Expert at Something, You Need To Be a Beginner First
The beachgoers who were struggling to get healthy didn't want to follow some complex diet and advanced workout program.
They didn't want to be experts yet.
Instead, they were looking for a beginner-level, paint-by-numbers system they could do for several days to a few weeks, in order to jump start fat loss.
Later that day, I brainstormed and made a few notes.
Here's my original outline for the 14-Day Fat Flush course:
✅ Unlock Fat Loss Secrets
This online course is for anyone who wants to understand why fat loss is difficult and how to overcome it. It provides a comprehensive, step-by-step approach that is better than other similar products.
✅ Learn Fast
This course is designed to help you learn quickly and efficiently, so you can start seeing results faster.
✅ Expert Advice
You will get access to expert advice from experienced professionals who have been in the field for years.
✅ Easy to Follow
The course is designed to be easy to follow, so you can start applying the knowledge right away.
Well, years later I've used these same methods to help lots of clients learn the healthy habits to maximize fat burning.
By the way, one of the beachgoers was kind enough to snap a picture of our family on that beautiful day...

Did we earn our athletic abs in only 14 days?
Of course not.
But we continue to use the same fat-loss methods I'm about to share with you.
When you follow my plan, you can expect to lose between 1-2 pounds of bodyfat per week.
To be clear, this is not some goofy juice-cleanse diet or another dangerous starvation plan that makes absurd weight-loss claims.
That's simply not healthy and not what I teach.
I'd say losing one pound of fat per week is respectable by any standard.
Just think, in 10 weeks that's a conservative estimate of 10 pounds gone.
If you have 50 pounds to lose, plan on following the same habits I teach in this course, for 50 weeks.
Can you lose fat faster?
But what's the point of punishing yourself in the process?
Imagine, in just two weeks from now, seeing progress in the mirror and in the gym.
What I'm about to reveal will change the way you think, exercise, eat, sleep, and manage your stress.
I urge you to grab a tall glass of water, or maybe a hot cup of coffee, and get comfortable.
What You are About to Learn Will Change the Trajectory of Your Future
If you are reading this, please accept my invitation to join the 14-Day Fat Flush.
But in order to participate, you must have at least 10 pounds of bodyfat to lose.
You must also be frustrated with trying and failing in the past.
And even better if you're over 40 years, because the body-transformation system I'm about to reveal will help slow aging too.

The Most Unselfish Thing You Can Do
Many folks take their health for granted. Me included.
But remember that your health is truly a gift. And your body is a vessel to make the world a better place.
You must take care of yourself first in order to care for others.
I was reminded of this universal law on a not-so-recent plane ride.
The flight attendant said...
"In case of emergency, an oxygen mask will drop from above. Place the mask over your nose and mouth before helping someone else."
Problem is, many "busy" people never prioritize smart training, portion-controlled nutrition, getting enough sleep, or managing stress.
And if you are too "busy" to care for yourself first, it's like being in a smoke-filled airplane without an oxygen mask.
You will be helpless to others until you help yourself first.
Top FOUR Reasons You Fail at Dieting, Exercising, and Losing Bodyfat
1. Information overload
More data is not the answer. In fact, I believe more information can HOLD YOU BACK from losing bodyfat and adding muscle.
2. Paralysis by analysis
Because there is too much information available, most people are more confused now than ever before.
Folks are majoring in the minors, experiencing goal hijacking daily, chasing conflicting goals at the same time, and there are simply too many cooks in the kitchen — which is a quick formula for failure.
3. No blood in the game
When was the last time you really put something at stake?
My BEST results have ALWAYS come with a price.
When I hired a coach, my body changed faster. (Yes, even coaches need to be held accountable.)
Because I could not afford to commit without experiencing a positive return on investment. Free programs are self-sabotaging because you have nothing at stake if you fail.
4. Generic programming
Getting a bunch of information at once (consider reading a book or watching a few dozen workout videos on YouTube) ironically makes learning and doing much more difficult.
Because none of the information is organized or customized to your personal goals, body type and needs, resulting in uncertainty of the methods and a poor effort in the gym and kitchen.
Generic programming created for the masses will produce zero results or generic results at best.
It’s time to get focused on your #1 goal over the next 14 days. It’s time to train smarter, not harder. I’ll keep you focused on one thing and one thing only — the very next step, which is the MOST IMPORTANT factor to losing fat and building calorie-torching muscle.
As we move from phase to phase, you’ll discover the workout and nutrition programming most effective for your body type.
As your body changes, don’t be surprised if you experience a boost in confidence, and maybe even a promotion at work.
Do You Want a Personalized Training and Nutrition Program That's Custom-Fit for You?
The 14-Day Fat Flush System is a results-driven and energetic fitness and fat loss workout program that includes motivation, accountability and dynamic resistance training; all designed to get you the body that you want in a safe, fun, and non-intimidating style.
Because you have 24/7/365 online access, you can do the workouts at home or when you are traveling.
Every on-demand workout session is led by an experienced, certified personal trainer and is designed to be fun, supportive and challenging, while burning maximum fat, in minimum time. The training sessions are on-demand so you can exercise when it's convenient for you.
Personalization is key to getting the best possible results, which is why our workout programs are modified to fit your goals and individual fitness level.

Why You Need an Experienced Coach
See, I've delivered over 100,000 workouts, to satisfied clients around the world.
Some clients have lost 10 pounds of body fat and added lean muscle. Other clients have completely transformed, losing 100 pounds of fat and getting healthy.
I've written books and published articles on the exact principles we use in our cutting-edge 14-Day Fat Flush body-transformation program.
You may know someone who is struggling to lose body fat and get in shape. I bet you know somebody like this who has also tried to lose weight on their own... and failed multiple times.
You see, some folks think they are a certified fitness expert because they know how to walk on a treadmill.
Other unsuccessful folks think they're a nutrition guru just because they can chew their food.
Others are penny wise and pound foolish, knowing that they need to invest in coaching, yet are too cheap and cynical to take action. They have naysayers in their lives who are just as unhappy and overfat, convincing them to skip the coaching... and, as a result, stay as miserable as they are.
What a shame.
Truth is, you need an experienced coach to keep you accountable.
Not your spouse or that inconsistent workout partner... a real professional coach who knows exactly what to do to help you achieve your goals.

How to Stay Healthy, Fit, & Accountable During Stressful Times
To be successful, you need a positive support team to encourage healthy habits.
Now more than ever before, it's tempting to skip workouts, eat mindlessly, and generally stress out.
Good news is you're holding the proven program to ignite fat loss.
And for a very limited time it's deeply discounted.
Keep reading to see what I mean.
You're about to learn the three methods we use to guarantee success with our clients, both online and in person.
Fat-Loss Method #1: Coaching

At-Home Follow-Along Strength and Fat-Loss Workouts
Personalization is key to getting the best possible results, which is why our workout programs are modified to fit your goals and individual fitness level.
The exercise modifications are built into every session.
You simply join in from anywhere you have a smart device connected to the internet.

Mobility, Core, and Stretching Learn-by-Doing Videos
Every on-demand workout session is led by an experienced, certified personal trainer and is designed to be fun, supportive and challenging, while burning maximum fat, in minimum time.

On-Demand Coaching Sessions with Your Personal Coach
You'll get weekly on-demand coaching from our amazing team, coaching you through every single workout, what to do, how to do it, and assuring you're doing things appropriate for you.
Get ready for a results-driven and energetic training program designed to keep you safe as you jump-start fat loss.

Done-for-You Daily Nutrition
We know sticking to healthy eating right now is especially tough. Carbs are calling your name.
That's why you'll get access to a no-nonsense Carb Cycling for Fat Loss nutrition plan that encourages you to eat carbs and still lose bodyfat.
And if you need more encouragement, we'll have daily nutrition coaching happening inside of the program to help you take imperfect action.
Fat-Loss Method #2: Accountability

Daily Accountability with Coach Joe
Sticking with something right now can be extra hard. But with some gentle accountability from our professional team, you'll have massive success as we go through these stressful times.
Fat-Loss Method #3: Community

Success is a team sport, you shouldn't go through a fitness journey alone. You'll be in this with all the other participants, and have our supportive team alongside you the entire time.
A Private Community Support Group
Along with our entire team and all of your fellow clients, you'll be in a private group so you can ask questions, get support, and feel the positivity from others.
Team Support (Email Q/A)

What's the Investment?
You've probably heard the old saying, "Pay your grocer or pay your doctor."
Well it's true, you must invest in your health every day.
It starts with the exercise you choose to do, the food you eat, and the people you hang out with.
It's also about creating generational health. In other words, leading by example and showing your kids and grandkids how YOU finally got rid of excess dangerous abdominal visceral fat once and for all.
It's about taking action and earning your results (not talking about some pipe dream of getting back in shape).
Will you take action, end the cycle of pinching pennies when it comes to investing in your health?
Will you finally take care of this problem for good?
You’re here because you're ready for a positive change.
I’m enrolling a handful of married, professional men & women, over the age of 40, who are serious about taking back your freedom and re-building your body.
The 14-Day Fat Flush System is a personalized habit-based approach versus another cookie-cutter program.
The investment for this amazing program is normally $497.
But we know times are tough and we want to help you lead by example and stay healthy.
And we didn't want you to miss this opportunity because money is tight, so...
Get the 14-Day Fat Flush System for Just $247 (50% Off)!
If you want to kick-start fat loss, and save 50%, don't delay because the doors on this massive discount are closing soon.
One more thing.
If you promise to follow the program and do the work over the next two weeks, and you aren't satisfied with your progress, we'll go the extra mile to answer your questions.
Just to Recap, Here's What You Get Instantly:

✔ At-Home Follow-Along Strength and Fat-Loss Workouts

✔ Mobility, Core, and Stretching Learn-by-Doing Videos

✔ On-Demand "Daily Huddle" Workouts with Coach Joe

✔ Completely Done-for-You Carb Cycling for Fat Loss Course

✔ Daily Accountability with Coach Joe

✔ Team Support (Email Q/A)

Are you tired of the self-doubt?
Do you feel like you're just going through the motions?
Do you want to be a better example and leader for your family?
The 14-Day Fat Flush System is a straightforward way to break the cycle of bad habits and begin to get your mojo back.
You're ready to get your mojo back, right?
The first step is to get moving.
This, right here, is that FIRST STEP.
We’ve got your back.
We care about you.
You only need to make the simple decision to invest in yourself.
And that investment is $17.64 per day, for the next 14 days!
Grab a spot if this is your time. Or wait until next time. But make a decision.
To be clear, we are shutting down the deep discount soon.
Don't miss this incredible opportunity to tackle your problem for good.

See you on the inside,
Coach Joseph Arangio
P.S. You really should do this and invest in your health and happiness.
P.P.S. You’re going to want to stay for a while when it’s done. Shhhh... don’t tell anyone.
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