You remember that old-school medicine ball? You know, the one that’s been collecting dust in the corner of the gym like it’s from a...
Success in life, especially when it comes to staying healthy, isn't rocket science. You must win your day. Now, I didn’t just pull this out...
You hit 40 and suddenly everyone’s acting like your muscles are going to pack up and leave like they’re done with the lease. People...
Whether it's due to stress, boredom, or just a habitual late-night snack, those post-sunset binges can really throw a wrench into your health and...
So maybe over the last six months, you’ve packed on a few pounds. Your pants are snug, and you're looking in the mirror like, “What the...
Alright, picture this: Phillipsburg, New Jersey—a small town where folks care about three things: education, patriotism, and football. My...
Before I share today's lesson, I'd like to talk about a special person who is no longer here with us.
On October 12, 2022 our sweet Sarah Ann...
"Time is all you have, and you may find one day that you have less than you think."
These profound words by Randy Pausch, the renowned...
You ever notice how everyone’s obsessed with fixing their workout? Like it’s a broken faucet or something. People think they’re...
You ever notice how life has this funny way of throwing tough times at you, like it’s testing you? One minute you’re cruising along,...
Let’s talk about something that terrifies people over the age of 40—box jumps. Yeah, you heard me. You think you're still an...
You know what drives me nuts? People talking about how easy it is to stay lean. “Oh, just eat right, it's simple!”
Yeah, real...
You ever try to do something and it just takes forever? You think, "I'll give it a week, maybe two," and suddenly it’s three months later,...
You're trying to get in shape, right? You want to lose some weight, build some muscle, or maybe just walk up a flight of stairs without feeling...
In this lesson you will learn strategies that will change the way you approach your health and well-being.
I've encountered countless individuals...
You ever walk into someone’s house and get hit with one of those air fresheners that smells like a tropical island? You’re standing...
I had a great chat with my friend, John.
I'm proud to say he’s lost 20 pounds of bodyfat and, most importantly, maintained his excellent...
What do you call a pancake after it does sit-ups? A waffle.
Alright, let’s be real. Pancakes may not be the first food that comes to mind...
I’m obsessed with figuring out how to do things better—more efficiently. If there’s a smarter way to get results, I want to know...
You can have your ideal body. One that provides you the ability to do whatever you want and live a wonderful lifestyle, all while having an impact...
This week officially kicks off the fourth quarter of the year— the final 25%. You’re in the home stretch, and how you finish can make...
My parents are back Italy and, of course, they end up at this vineyard in Parma—Cantina Monte delle Vigne. Let me tell you—it's...
Imagine if you had something to prove and everything you did was recorded.
Of course you would be more likely to show up and do your best....
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