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Why Motivation Does Not Work

mindset Sep 26, 2023
Why Motivation Does Not Work

If you were in the military, then you’ve likely experienced a real bootcamp.

Not a fitness bootcamp, but a 24/7 “Basic Training” immersive experience designed to prepare you physically and mentally for the tasks ahead.

It’s also designed to indoctrinate you into a new belief system.

Well, for everybody who has NOT experienced this firsthand, perhaps you’ve seen videos or pictures of drill instructors yelling into the ears of new recruits.

You might think:

“Wow, that instructor is really motivating those recruits. If I only had a drill instructor to motivate me like that. I’d probably lose weight much faster.”

But if yelling into somebody’s face helped you get athletic levels of bodyfat, well, folks would just ask a friend to scream colorful insults and pounds would “melt” away due to:

  • The focused workouts you would be “motivated” to complete.
  • The portion-controlled nutrition program you would be “motivated” to follow.
  • The quality sleep you would be “motivated” to get.

You see, it's the environment of Basic Training that transforms new recruits into trained soldiers.

Why Motivation Does Not Work

You open the kitchen pantry and it's stocked with every style of tortilla chips.

The corn ones, the lime ones, the super-spicy ones that love to be dipped in black-bean salsa.

If I were a betting man, I'd say you may binge eat some chips. Or at least I might.

You could apply this example to many things, like an unhealthy drinking habit thanks to a fridge stocked with imported beer.

Truth is, environment matters more than motivation.

Let me explain.

It can be tempting to blame failure on a lack of willpower or a scarcity of talent, and to attribute success to hard work, effort, and grit.

To be sure, those things matter.

What is interesting, however, is that if you examine how human behavior has been shaped over time, you discover that motivation (and even talent) is often overvalued.

In many cases, the environment matters more.

According to author James Clear, here are three strategies to design an environment that promotes success:

1. Automate good decisions

Whenever possible, create an environment that makes good decisions for you.

For example, when you batch-prepare meals on Sundays and Wednesdays, place the meals in single-serving containers.

It's way harder to control portion size when someone passes you the family-sized pasta bowl and reminds you not to insult the chef.

In another example, I’ve spent 25+ years engineering a world-class online personal training program, which automates good decisions and, as a result, helps you get into the best shape of your life.

You just show up and give an honest effort.

But you must show up.

2. Get in the flow

You can design an environment where good habits “get in the flow” of your normal behaviors.

For example, if you have ever skipped the gym because you "forgot your gym clothes,"  you could place a fully stocked gym bag next to your car keys. Or in the trunk of your car.

Similarly, you are more likely to go to the gym if it is located in your basement or garage.

Whenever possible, design your habits so they fit in the flow of your current patterns.

Q: When is the best time to exercise?
A: There is no “best time” only a time that is most consistent for you.

Now think about that for a minute.

If your goal is to lose 40 pounds of bodyfat, in 12 months, you must prioritize exercise.

To support your fat loss, you will do about 208 smart workouts per year.

And it will be easier to commit to this training plan with a consistent schedule, say Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday at 6:00AM.

On the other hand, you will struggle to maintain consistency if you exercise in the mornings on some days, afternoons on other days, sometimes late at night, and sometimes on the weekends.

In other words, your goal will be tougher to achieve with an unpredictable exercise schedule.

3. Ditch the negative influences

You have an opportunity to remove the barriers that hold you back.

One strategy is to make it easier to avoid unhealthy foods by storing them in less visible places.

Will you eat a slice of chocolate cake if it's sitting on the kitchen counter under one of those glass cake domes?

I'd say the answer is yes.

Another example is to schedule your workout early in the morning, before the “craziness” of your day discourages smart choices.

Do you have a strong environment?

You may be quick to blame your environment when things go poorly.

If you lose a job, it's because of an economic downturn.

If you're late to work, it's because traffic was insane.

If you miss a workout, well, there are never a shortage of excuses here.

Success comes easier when you have a strong environment.

If you want to boost fat loss, hire an experienced coach who helps you reinforce the habits of health.

The "strong" environment is filled with other like-minded 40-plus men and women who are also interested in getting lean and strong.

And willing to do the work too.

It is important to remember that your environment drives your good behaviors as well as your bad ones.

People who seem to stick to good habits with ease are often benefiting from an environment that makes those behaviors easier.

I firmly believe (and many current and former clients will back me up on this) that we’ve engineered a culture and environment that encourages healthy habits that result in positive behavior.

Practicing these habits will ultimately lead to a lean-and-strong body, more energy, more confidence, and more happiness.

What often looks like a lack of willpower is actually the result of a poor environment.

Read that one twice. Print it out and post it on your bathroom mirror.

If you are struggling with something like fat loss, it could be due to the fact you are fighting an uphill battle against your environment.

Maybe it's chips, ice cream, diet soda or something else that needs to get out of your environment.

My hunch is that your fat loss will improve if your kitchen isn't fully stocked with those irresistible treats.

Life is a game and if you want to guarantee better results over a sustained period of time, the best approach is to play the long game in an environment that favors you.

Winners often win because their environment makes winning easier.

To your success,

Coach Joe



Joseph Arangio helps 40+ men and women lose weight, gain strength, and slow aging. He's delivered over 100,000 transformation programs to satisfied clients around the globe. If you want to increase longevity with the best online age-management program, or you want to visit the best age-management program in the Lehigh Valley, you can take a free 14-day trial.

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