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How to Avoid Serious Trouble

mindset train Feb 22, 2024
How to Avoid Serious Trouble | Arangio

Received an email asking for coaching advice.

Basically this person wanted to know how to set up a conditioning workout.

If you've been reading my teachings for a while, you know I am eternally sharing free training, nutrition, recovery, mindset, and accountability advice.

This daily lesson is an example of that.

My philosophy is that I will coach you for free until you pay me to coach you.

So when this person wanted to know how to perform metabolic conditioning, I happily replied:

“The answer is straightforward: Do 20 minutes of conditioning, broken down into two sets of four movements. Perform each move for two minutes.”

But there are two common issues when someone asks for "free" advice:

  1. Information overload. Does this person truly need more information to succeed? Doubtful.
  2. Consistency. Will this person take action and do the above 20-minute training session 208 times over the course of this year (4 x per week x 52 weeks)? Probably not.

Let me explain.

How to Avoid Serious Trouble

Sharon and I have a trusted auto mechanic we’ve been hiring for years.

Anytime we need an oil change, or the service light goes on, or more serious car troubles—we give him a call and schedule an appointment.

I’m smart enough to learn how to perform an oil change.

I bet it’s fun too.

But there are experts out there who will do a much better job than me.

And in way less time than it would take me to do it on my own.

When I send the car to a professional, it's guaranteed to get fixed.

Let me repeat.

Accomplishing my goal (getting the car fixed) is guaranteed when I hire an expert.

Now, let’s talk about your goals for a minute.

Look, I understand the daily struggle because I'm human just like you.

Same challenges, fears, and grownup responsibilities.

Knowing how to lose bodyfat (and then maintain athletic bodyfat) is often the difference between happiness and sadness.

And many training programs, without coaching and feedback, are actually a waste of time.

Think of the countless workout DVDs sitting unopened on dusty shelves, still in their shrink-wrapped packaging.

I'm sure the DVD workouts are fantastic; however, the personal coaching and accountability are missing.

I mean, does the DVD care if you missed a workout or are not moving toward your goal?

Harsh words, I know.

And someone reading this will claim that any workout is better than no workout. Right?

Well, I beg to disagree.

You see, even a mediocre workout, when done consistently, will burn some calories.

That’s a good thing.

But a mediocre workout will not build muscle tissue and create a metabolic effect (more calorie burning for several hours post exercise).

Even worse is a mediocre workout, done sporadically.

That won't do much of anything.

For most folks, asking them to assess, write, and coach an effective program (that will work for the long term) is like asking them to repair a car’s engine. ๐Ÿš—๐Ÿ’จ

You are probable an excellent driver; however, you might be a beginner when it comes to automotive maintenance and repair.

Do you really know how to maintain optimal health and re-build your body?

If not, that’s why you’re reading this lesson and that’s perfectly okay.

No sane person would ever try and fail, on their own, without eventually realizing there is a better way.

That’s why I am excited to announce that our award-winning age management program is enrolling now.

It’s a guaranteed-results fitness-and-nutrition course, geared towards fat loss, muscle building, and slowing the natural aging process.

We offer two learning formats: online and in person.

The in-person format is learn-by-doing and hands-on.

You come into our world-class training facility four days per week.

Or you will achieve your goals remotely online.

Either way, your results are guaranteed or we'll refund your tuition.

Let me repeat that last part.

Guaranteed results or your money back.

So if you want to lose 24 pounds of bodyfat over the next 12 weeks, I'll guarantee you will accomplish this, as long as you take action and follow the proven formula.

Sound fair?

Actually some of my fellow coaches think I'm nuts for leaving myself open to scammers and other folks that may take advantage of my promise to deliver results.

And that's fine by me.

My mom always said, "Locks keep honest people out. The dishonest ones will find a way in."

That's partly why I ask you to apply for coaching.

It's a screening process because I only want to work with cool people.

When you join our team, I’ll personally guide you through the latest nutrition methods and proven strength-and-conditioning protocols and make things easy to understand.

You will get the blueprint for losing belly fat and building muscle that burns calories day and night.

Yes, this is indeed possible.

  • Smart coaches understand that you need to know why you are doing a particular training program.
  • Then you need to know how you are going to do it.
  • After that, you need to know what you are going to do.

What equipment to use? How many sets and reps? How much rest between sets? 

At what distance? How much time? At what heart rate?

The program gives you the answers to those questions and simplifies your own fat-loss struggle.

Bad back? Bum knees? Shoulder pain?

From exercise technique to measuring weekly progress, you will be able to train based on your exact situation.

So if you're looking to...

  • Increase strength and decrease joint pain.
  • Finally have enough energy to not feel so wiped at the end of the day.
  • Lose that stubborn belly fat and fit into those pants that have been sitting in the closet.
  • Have a team of professional coaches guide your journey every step of the way to keep you motivated, accountable, and safe (even if you have injuries).

Share your number-one goal with me now.

To your success,

Coach Joe

P.S. I promise that you will meet or exceed your priority-one goal on deadline. If not, I'll personally refund your investment.



Joseph Arangio helps 40+ men and women get leaner, stronger, and happier. He's delivered over 100,000 transformation programs to satisfied clients around the globe. If you want to lose weight from home, with the best online personal trainer, or you want to visit the best personal trainer in the Lehigh Valley, you can take a free 14-day trial.

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