How to Make Big Progress
Jan 21, 2025
A blacksmith doesn’t create masterpieces by accident. He takes raw metal, exposes it to intense heat, and hammers away until it takes shape. It’s tough, exhausting, and often frustrating—but the result is something strong, resilient, and built to last.
The same goes for your health. You don’t evolve by staying comfortable. You improve when the fire is burning hot, when life tests you, when you push through challenges instead of backing down.
How to Make Big Progress
As you set your sights on getting leaner, stronger, and happier over the next 12 weeks, I want to share 20 of my best insights to help you along the way. These are the principles that have guided me—not just in fitness, but in every aspect of life.
Some of them will challenge you. Some will be the reminders you need to hear. But all of them have one thing in common: they’ll help you forge a stronger, more resilient version of yourself.
This isn’t about quick fixes or overnight success. It’s about building something that lasts. So, if you’re ready to embrace the process, step into the fire, and transform, let’s get to work.
1. Be Present
I put this first because, let’s face it, most people are living in one of two places: the past (where they beat themselves up for what they didn’t do) or the future (where they daydream about what they might do). Meanwhile, life is happening right now—and you’re missing it!
Stop waiting for Monday to start your diet. Stop scrolling through social media, comparing yourself to some guy who “magically” got fit overnight (spoiler alert: he didn’t). Focus on today. Make today count. And if today gets away from you? Start again tomorrow. But be here, be present.
2. Stretch Yourself
Let’s get one thing straight: You’re never going to “feel ready.” Ready is a myth. When I started coaching, did I have it all figured out? Absolutely not. I took a leap, made mistakes, and figured it out as I went.
Most people spend their whole lives in motion—talking, planning, organizing their sock drawer—but never actually taking action. Get out of your own head. Take a risk. Will you fail? Maybe. Will you learn? Absolutely. And that’s how you grow.
3. Happiness Is About the Journey
Here’s the hard truth: There is no finish line. You don’t reach a point where you say, “Welp, I did it! Time to sit back and coast for the rest of my life.”
I’m happiest when I’m working toward something—when I’m learning, improving, striving. The moment you think you’re “done” growing is the moment you start sliding backward. So stop waiting for that mythical moment when everything will be perfect. Enjoy the climb. Because the climb is the reward.
When you start to view happiness as a process instead of a destination, something shifts. You stop obsessing over end results and start enjoying each step along the way. You take joy in your progress, however small it may be. You stop putting off happiness until you reach some arbitrary goal.
Want to be happier? Stop chasing it. Instead, put yourself in motion toward something meaningful. Learn new skills, challenge yourself, surround yourself with people who lift you up.
And remember, the journey isn’t always easy. You’re going to hit roadblocks. You’re going to have setbacks. But that’s part of the fun. If it were easy, everyone would do it.
The key is to embrace the process. Love the grind. Find fulfillment in the doing, not just the outcome. Because when you do that, you’re already winning.
4. What Problem Do You Want?
Hate to break it to you, but life is always going to have problems. The trick is choosing which problems you want. More money? Great! But now you’ve got yacht repairs and new financial stress. More free time? Awesome. But now you have to figure out what to do with yourself.
The truth is, successful people don’t have fewer problems. They just have better problems. They’ve made conscious decisions about the challenges they’re willing to take on. They embrace the fact that every achievement brings new obstacles, and instead of complaining, they prepare for them.
When you stop seeing problems as things to avoid and start seeing them as part of the package deal that comes with growth, everything changes. You stop feeling sorry for yourself. You start making smarter choices. And you start realizing that the right problems can actually be a sign that you’re on the right path.
Every goal comes with a set of problems attached to it. You just need to decide which set of problems you’re willing to take on. Once you do that, the rest becomes easier.
5. Process-Based Goals: The Key to Actually Getting Stuff Done
You ever hear someone say, “I just want to lose 10 pounds”? Yeah? Me too. About a thousand times. And listen, that’s a great goal… but here’s the problem: Saying it doesn’t magically make your jeans fit better.
That’s why you need process-based goals, my friend. Not just “I want to lose 10 pounds,” but “I’m going to hit 16 workouts this month.” The process leads to the outcome. You can’t control how fast the scale moves, but you can control whether you show up and put in the work.
It’s like baking a cake. You don’t just say, “I want a cake.” You mix the ingredients, bake it at the right temperature, and then—bam—cake. But if you just sit there saying, “I want a cake” while doing nothing, you’re gonna be eating imaginary cake.
Same thing with fitness. You don’t just “lose 10 pounds.” You commit to a process: showing up at the gym, lifting weights, eating real food. Then the weight takes care of itself.
So set goals based on what you do, not just what you want. Otherwise, you’re just wishing. And last time I checked, wishing doesn’t get you abs.
6. Reading for the Win
Let me say this real clear: If you’re not reading every day, you’re missing out. And no, scrolling Instagram does not count. I’m talking about real books. Books that make you think, make you better, and—let’s be honest—probably make you realize you’ve been doing things all wrong.
I don’t care if it’s a hardcover, an e-book, or an audiobook while you’re stuck in traffic, slowly questioning all your life choices. Just read something.
Reading is like lifting weights for your brain. You wouldn’t skip leg day (I hope), so don’t skip brain day either. And if you can replace a bad habit—like falling asleep to the news (a guaranteed anxiety attack)—with reading something positive, even better.
So pick up a book. Expand your mind. And if you’re one of those people who say, “I don’t have time to read,” let me ask you: How much time did you spend watching people dance on TikTok today? Yeah. You have time.
7. It’s All Connected: Stop Trying to Fix Just One Thing
Everything. Is. Connected. You can’t just tweak one part of your life and expect everything else to magically fall into place.
Example: If your knee hurts, don’t just ice your knee and call it a day. Chances are, it’s not even your knee’s fault. Maybe your hips are tight. Maybe your ankles move like cement blocks. Fix the real problem.
Or take life in general—if you hate your job, it’s probably affecting your workouts. If you’re constantly stressed, good luck making good nutrition choices. And if your finances are a mess? Let’s just say “financial stress” is not a recommended weight-loss strategy.
So stop looking at problems in isolation. If something’s off, look at the big picture. Because when you fix one thing, it tends to fix a whole lot of other things along the way.
8. Find a Coach
Look, if you want to get better at something, get a coach. Simple as that.
You ever notice that in every area of life where you’re succeeding, you probably have some form of guidance? And in the areas where you’re struggling… you’re just winging it? Yeah. Not a coincidence.
Want to get fit? Hire a coach. Want to improve your marriage? Maybe talk to someone who knows what they’re doing. Want to take your business to the next level? Guess what—coaches exist for that too.
Yet some people act like asking for help is some kind of weakness. Meanwhile, every elite athlete, top CEO, and successful person you know all have coaches. But you don’t need one? Come on.
You’re not better than anyone. We all need coaching. Even Tom Brady had a coach. You think you’re smarter than Tom Brady? Exactly.
9. Stop Overthinking and Start Finishing
Let’s get one thing straight: Thinking about doing something is not the same as doing it.
People love to brainstorm, plan, and “research.” You know what they don’t love? Finishing. Because finishing is hard.
Maybe it’s losing those last 30 pounds. Maybe it’s finishing that book you’ve been “writing” for the last five years. Maybe it’s actually applying for that job instead of just saying, “I should apply for that job.”
You ever notice the people who take action—imperfect action—tend to win? That’s because perfectionism is just a fancy way of procrastinating.
So here’s your new rule: Done is better than perfect. Get it done, adjust as needed, and move forward. Because if you wait until it’s perfect, you’ll be waiting forever.
10. Have a Really Clear Vision
I’ve been reading a lot about visioning lately. And you know what? It works.
You have to know where you’re going before you start walking. Yet most people are out here setting goals with no actual destination. That’s like getting in your car and driving with no idea where you want to go. Hope you enjoy aimlessly wandering the highway.
Write it down. Picture it. Know exactly what you want. Then reverse-engineer how to get there.
Otherwise, you’re just throwing darts in the dark and hoping you hit something. Spoiler alert: You won’t.
11. Write Everything Down
Your brain is designed to come up with ideas, not store them. So stop trying to remember everything and write it down.
Your goals? Write them down.
Your business ideas? Write them down.
Your training? Write it down.
That genius thought you had in the shower? Write it down.
Because let’s be honest, if you don’t, you’re going to forget. And then a week later, you’ll be sitting there going, “Wait, what was that thing I was supposed to do?”
Successful people write stuff down. Unsuccessful people wing it. You choose which one you want to be.
12. More Kindness
I’m at my best when I am kind. Simple as that.
And let’s be honest, the world could use a little more kindness. A lot more, actually. You ever notice how people are in such a rush? Honking their horns before the light even turns green. Cutting in front of you at the grocery store like it’s the last rotisserie chicken on the planet.
I mean, what’s the rush? Where are you going that’s so important? Maybe if people just took a second—just one second—to hold the door for someone, say “thank you,” or let someone merge instead of treating every lane like the last lap of the Daytona 500, we’d all be a little happier.
There is no negative side to being more kind. None. Zero. You ever meet someone who says, “Man, I really regret being polite today”? No. But we’ve all had those moments where we snap at someone and instantly feel like a jerk.
You hold the door for someone? Feels good. You compliment the barista on their latte art? Feels good. You tell your spouse you appreciate them? Feels really good.
The best part? Kindness is free. Costs you nothing. And yet, it pays dividends in ways you can’t even imagine. You never know what someone else is going through. Your one act of kindness could be the thing that turns their day around.
So today, do something kind. Hold the door. Say thank you. Give up the last rotisserie chicken (okay, maybe not that, let’s not get crazy).
Just be a good human.
13. More Play
Listen, if life isn’t at least a little fun, what’s the point?
At Arangio Athletic Fitness, we believe that fun should be a core value. Because if you’re miserable every step of the way, why are you even doing it?
I’m at my best when life feels like play. Whether that’s chasing my kids around the yard (and realizing I’m way more out of breath than I should be), laughing with my wife over something ridiculous, or even just enjoying what I do for work.
Truth be told, my work feels like play. Sure, there are hard days. Days where it feels like I’m juggling a thousand things and my to-do list is reproducing like rabbits. But if you love what you do, even the challenges are rewarding.
Some people treat life like one big chore list. Wake up, work, stress, sleep, repeat. Meanwhile, they’re walking around looking like they’ve been sucking on lemons all day.
But when you enjoy what you do? When you make time to play, to laugh, to have fun? That’s when you start winning.
Yes, you need to put your head down and work sometimes. Hard work is essential. But if you’re not finding ways to enjoy the process, then buddy, you’re doing it wrong.
Find the play in your day. Trust me—it’s worth it.
14. Be Curious
Curiosity is the key to lifelong learning. Ever notice how little kids ask a million questions? "Why is the sky blue? Why do dogs bark? Why can’t I have ice cream for breakfast?"
And somewhere along the way, we stop asking questions. We stop wondering. We just accept things as they are.
But curiosity keeps us growing. You want to learn something new? Ask questions. Get interested. Dig deeper. When you’re curious, you don’t just accept things at face value—you want to understand why.
And here’s the kicker—curiosity works in every situation. Got a problem with someone? Instead of assuming the worst, get curious. Ask yourself, "Why did they react that way? What's really going on here?" It might just change your entire perspective.
Being curious doesn’t mean you have to become an expert in everything. It just means staying open. Open to new ideas, new experiences, and new ways of seeing the world.
So go ahead. Ask questions. Challenge assumptions. Get curious about life. You never know where it might lead you.
15. Have Some Values
As you grow and improve, something interesting happens...'ll have more and more "golden" opportunities.
And let me tell you, these opportunities will start flying at you like dodgeballs in middle school gym class.
I can't begin to tell you how many conversations I've had with clients over the years. The ones that are uber successful at their jobs.
They say things like, "I have the golden opportunity to be the national sales director for my company. I get a bigger salary and stock options."
When in actuality, they're saying, "I have this golden opportunity to work 90 hours per week, see my family less than I already do, and gain 30 pounds of body fat in the process... thanks to high stress and constant travel."
Know your values. Know what you stand for.
Your values become your guardrails so you know what to say "yes" to, and more importantly, you know when it's time to say "no."
If something is a priority, say "yes"... otherwise, it's "no thank you."
Stick to your values, and you'll never feel lost.
16. I Can’t
You can. You just might not want to put in the work, and that’s okay—but let’s be honest about it.
Most of the time when people say, "I can't," what they really mean is, "I don’t want to put in the effort." And listen, no judgment. Not everything has to be a priority. But if you truly want something, you’ll find a way.
People love to say, "I can’t lose weight," or "I can’t start a business," or "I can’t run a marathon." You can, but are you willing to do what it takes? Are you willing to wake up early? To skip the junk food? To trade an hour of Netflix for an hour of progress?
The difference between "I can’t" and "I will" is commitment. If you really want it, you’ll figure it out. If it’s a priority, you’ll make time for it. If it’s not, you’ll make an excuse.
The good news? You don’t have to want everything. Not everyone needs to run a marathon or start a business. But don’t trick yourself into thinking you can’t—because you can. You just have to decide if you want to.
So today, stop saying "I can’t" and be honest about what you actually want. And if you do want it? Say, "I will."
17. I Wish
That's the biggest phrase I work to avoid.
"I wish I went on that trip. I wish I tried that adventure. I wish I made that career jump."
Wishing is just regret in disguise. It's looking at what could have been instead of focusing on what can be. You ever talk to someone who spends half their time reminiscing about what they should have done? "Man, I should have invested in that stock. I should have gone to the gym. I should have learned a new skill." Meanwhile, they’re just sitting there, doing nothing but complaining.
When I'm 95 years old and sitting in a rocking chair (hopefully with Sharon in the chair next to me), I want to look back with no regrets. I want to know I did everything I could to make an impact, leave a legacy, and squeeze every drop out of life.
I don't want to say "I wish."
So this year, let’s make a pact—no more "I wish." If you want something, go after it. If you have a dream, take the first step. Because the only thing worse than failing is never even trying.
18. Stop Comparing
We all have our own visions, our own goals, our own things that make us happy.
Some want a big house to host family dinners; others want a minimalist home with just the essentials. Some dream of traveling the world; others are happiest staying in their small town. Some want six-pack abs; others just want to feel better and move without pain.
The problem starts when you compare your vision to someone else’s.
Social media doesn’t help. You ever scroll through Instagram and suddenly feel like you’re failing at life? "Look at this guy—six-figure job, traveling to Greece, eating gourmet meals like he’s royalty." Meanwhile, you're over here trying to decide if you should meal prep or just order takeout again.
The thing is, their highlight reel isn't your reality. And that's fine. You’re running your own race. You’re building your life. And the only person you should be competing with is you.
So stop comparing. Focus on your goals, your values, and what makes you feel fulfilled. Because at the end of the day, the only opinion that matters is yours.
19. Awareness is Key
The more self-aware you are, the better you’ll be.
Being aware of your own habits, tendencies, and blind spots is a superpower. You ever meet someone who has zero self-awareness? They talk over everyone, never listen, and wonder why people avoid them.
Self-awareness is understanding your strengths and your weaknesses. It’s recognizing when you need to improve and being humble enough to actually do it.
And it’s not just about you—it’s about understanding how others perceive you. You might think you're just "being direct," but if everyone around you feels like they’re walking on eggshells, maybe it's time for some reflection.
Awareness allows you to grow. It allows you to adapt. And ultimately, it makes you a better person to be around.
20. A Few Percent Better
This is the motto I live by.
Every day, I try to be a little better—a better person, a better husband, a better father, a better coach, a better leader.
One or two percent better every day. That’s it. Small improvements add up.
Too many people look for shortcuts. They want overnight success. They want instant transformation. But real progress comes from consistency—showing up every day and getting just a little better.
Some days will be great. Some will be tough. That’s life. But as long as you keep moving forward, you’ll be amazed at how far you can go.
This year will have highs, and it will have lows. But ultimately, it will be your best year yet if you just commit to improving a little bit every day.
Success isn’t a straight line. It’s messy. It’s unpredictable. But if you stay consistent, stay hungry, and keep putting in the work, you will get there.
I’m excited to learn, grow, and be humbled alongside you.
I’m excited to learn, grow, and be humbled alongside you.
Taking the time to read what I write means you said "no" to something else, and for that, I’m honored.
I hope I have made a small positive change in your life... that's my mission.
To your success,
Coach Joe
Joseph Arangio helps 40+ men and women get leaner, stronger, and happier. He's delivered over 100,000 transformation programs to satisfied clients around the globe. If you want to lose weight from home, with the best online longevity personal trainer, or you want to visit the best age-management personal trainer in the Lehigh Valley, you can take a free 14-day trial.