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How to Live With No Regrets

mindset Dec 14, 2024
How to Live with No Regrets | Arangio

When you’re going through tough stuff, it can seem like you’re alone with no one around who can relate.

This is especially true for high-achieving 40-plus men and women who look like they have everything figured out.

Let me share the true story of an ambitious client called "Marcus," a 43-year-old, married father of three.

(Not his real name.)

In his circle of friends, Marcus was always the one who was a little different.

The entrepreneur. The risk-taker. The tough guy who could handle it.

Everyone around him looked at his life and assumed he was an incredible businessman, loving spouse, and attentive father.

But really, he was just dying on the inside.

Marcus felt shackled by his bad habits, a victim of his own mind, and petrified that he’d never become the person he wanted to be.

Now that he's on the other side, though, he knows how wrong he was.

There are thousands of driven men and women out there who are struggling.

Just look at some of these direct quotes from emails I’ve received:

“Struggled with depression and self-confidence…”

“I have a successful business, an amazing family, and a great education. But I’ve struggled with depression and self-confidence all my life. I’m not where I want to be yet. I’m in my own head, chastising myself for all the missed opportunities and foolish decisions I’ve made. I’m at a tipping point and I’m just not sure what to do next.”

“I’m alone way too much…”

“Over the last few years, I’ve grown more and more bitter. I don’t put myself out there like I used to. Life has just beaten me down. But I’m ready for a change.”

“I’ve been in the same place for too long… and need to break out.”

“I’ve struggled with anxiety for as long as I’ve remembered, but it hasn’t really stopped me from achieving my goals. That said, I need to get out of my comfort zone. I’ve been in the same place for too long and want more out of my life. I need to break out of this insecurity, because I know deep down it’s holding me back.”

Does any of this sound familiar?

How to Live With No Regrets

You probably want to be the best version of yourself.

You want to have it all: Strong faith, loving family, financial freedom, time freedom, good friends, and meaningful work.

You want to be the kind of person who doesn’t lie — to yourself or to the people you love.

And yet, without help, you keep slipping back into your old patterns and bad habits.

You keep getting locked into old ways of thinking.

You shackle yourself to old belief-systems and behaviors.

What I'm about to say, well, I say bluntly but with love and respect.

  • You need to ditch the cynics and naysayers.
  • You need is a physical, mental, and spiritual breakthrough.
  • You need to lead by example because everyone is counting on you to be your best.

You need to surround yourself with like-minded professionals who are going through the exact same struggle. And are winning.

And that’s exactly what Marcus did. Which is why, after years of struggling, he's winning.

Marcus is leaner, stronger, and happier than he's ever been.

He takes imperfect action, every single day, and does the work.

Some days it's a little work, other days it's a lot... but there's always work to be done.

Marcus focuses on training smart, mindful nutrition, managing stress, and staying accountable with a professional coach.

By all means, if you are winning with another approach, keep it up.

But if you are frustrated, there's hope.

There's a step-wise plan, that's safe, fun, and guarantees your results.

Why not make every single day a great day? Or at least a "good" day.

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One more thing I've been thinking about.

Over the past 25+ years I’ve spoken to many people, over the age of 40, who reached out to me for help.

They talk about changing their fitness and health; but haven’t taken action.

Or they started, and life got in the way. So they stopped.

And do you know the number-one objection I hear?

It’s that someone "can’t afford" to get healthy.

To be fair, it's indeed possible to become healthy at a high-volume box gym that relies on selling low-cost memberships to as many people as possible.

It's also possible to borrow a fitness-and-nutrition textbook from your local library, study it, and implement what you've learned.

By the way, if you're doing that, keep it up. Continue to play the long game, as we say.

However, if you have tried and failed on your own, we can assist.

There's a good reason we've been voted best age management personal trainer and best online longevity personal trainer.

It's because we follow a proven formula that actually helps people, over the age of 40, get measurable results.

But I understand that sometimes people experience sticker shock when they had a different expectation regarding the investment required to get leaner, stronger, and happier.

I also get that money truly is a challenge for some people.

Tough times indeed.

But in many cases, those who tell me they “can’t afford it” are prioritizing dinners out, vacations, and material things.

Look, I’m not here to judge you or anyone else on how you spend your hard-earned money.

That's your personal business.

But I am here to challenge the objection around not being able to afford an investment in your health.

Because here’s the thing.

You’ll forget what you had for dinner last week.

Those new-and-shiny material items will eventually become old and outdated.

On the other hand, your health is an invaluable asset.

If you neglect your health, everything else in life becomes more difficult, less fun, and ironically, much more expensive.

And truthfully, if you can’t afford your health, you absolutely can’t afford to be sick. Especially nowadays.

I know I may be ruffling some feathers here, but it’s the honest truth.

Of course you cannot choose the genetic hand-of-cards you were dealt. In other words, you can't pick your parents.

And some health issues are completely out of your control, like injuries from a car accident.

What's my point?

Live your life with no regrets.

It takes effort to not replay past mistakes; especially if you're reflecting from a hospital bed or with more bad news from your doctor.

Again, so much is out of your control, and I'm not talking about these unfortunate events.

But you can still map out the days, months, and years ahead. And your plan-of-action will be super helpful regardless of how the future unfolds.

If you are over 40 years and struggling to rebuild your body, share your #1 goal and schedule time to talk.

Don't delay because, if you're reading this, it's likely time for positive change.

Let us know so we can help. I will be back in touch right away.

Or, if you know someone who needs to hear this message, please forward it on.

We are absolutely here to support.

To your success,

Coach Joe





Joseph Arangio helps 40+ men and women get leaner, stronger, and happier. He's delivered over 100,000 transformation programs to satisfied clients around the globe. If you want to lose weight from home, with the best online personal trainer, or you want to visit the best personal trainer in the Lehigh Valley, you can take a free 14-day trial.

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