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How to Cook Tasty Meals

nutrition Dec 12, 2023
How to Cook Tasty Meals | Arangio

If you're like most folks I've talked to, you're moving a little slow this week.

Maybe it's foul weather. And, depending on where you live, that could be sub-zero temperatures, a tornado, or even a tsunami.

Perhaps the Thanksgiving-feast leftovers are weighing you down?

Maybe your favorite sports team lost the big game?

In all seriousness, I hope you and your family are having a happy holiday season.

Mine has been filled with family and delicious food.

As I awoke this morning and thought about what I was going to write about.

Then I realized that today is December 10th, so less than one month until the new year. 

On to another new year.

It got me thinking:

"What can you achieve in 30 days?"

I guess it depends on what you compare it to.

In the grand scheme of things, 30 days is just a dot.

But think of everything you can get done and how much progress you can make.

That's just 720 hours.

Are you going to be like everyone else and just "wait 'til January?"

Or are you going to finish this year strong?

I love the final push of the year.

I look back at my goals and realize I crushed some out of the park, and others that it seems like I didn't even put a dent in them.

I use the final stretch of the year to see how close I can get to those goals.

The next month will pass no matter what.

We'll all be watching the ball drop and ringing in the new year.

Will you be the same person then as you are now?

Or maybe you'll be a few percent better.

I like to provide an action step within each one of these daily lessons.

Something to do, rather than just read and nod your head and continue on.

Today's action step for you is to set three mini-goals that you are going to achieve by the end of the year.

They can be fitness related, behavior-related, work-related, or life-related.

It really doesn't matter.

But please don't just go through the motions and wait until the new year.

Write down your goals on actual paper (with a pen), hang them somewhere you see them every day, and start chipping away.

Here's your spark... now go finish strong.

One more thing.

How to Cook Tasty Meals

I spend plenty of time discussing nutrition, because bodyfat is burned in the kitchen.

Let me repeat that one: Bodyfat is burned in the KITCHEN.

In other words, you can't out-train a poor diet.

Over the years our clients have asked us to cook for them.

We do that too; however, I'm confident you can learn the simple habits to batch-prepare meals for yourself.

There's a delicious and sustainable way to achieve a lean and healthy bodyfat.

It's simple to plan, purchase, prepare, and package forty (40) homemade meals, based on your weekly goals.

You eat these organic single-serving meals over the week, which is awesome if you hate to cook or are simply too busy.

It takes about two hours to do all of the grocery shopping, cooking, and then portion-out your meals in reusable stainless-steel containers.

You can save even more time if you order groceries online and have them delivered.

Not sure what to cook? Or what your portion size should be?

We're considered the best online personal trainer because we'll do all of the math for you...

...reverse-engineering your macronutrients (protein, carbs, and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) required to achieve your weekly goal.

I know, I know. Seems complicated.

And that's why we provide you with a paint-by-numbers blueprint to lose bodyfat and get healthy.

You prepare meals twice per week, 20 meals on Sundays and 20 meals Wednesdays, at your kitchen.

After that, all you do is heat and eat the tasty goodness.

Because it is week-to-week, you always have fresh-prepared organic meals.

Again, everything is fresh and unprocessed real food.

No bars, shakes or meal replacements.

Just delicious home-cooked meals to get you to lean and strong.

For over 25 years we've helped our clients do the planning, purchasing, preparation, and packaging based on your personal requirements.

This is exactly how we eat and I'm very thankful for Coach Sharon, who handles this for our family.

Interested in a done-for-you nutrition program?

Just share your #1 goal here and then schedule a chat.

We also provide a less comprehensive, but equally effective, meal-delivery service which is shipped worldwide, via UPS. Cost-neutral or cheaper than your weekly grocery bill.

By the way, if you want to move toward batch-prepping meals yourself, in order to achieve your ideal body, this one simple question will be very helpful in getting you there.

At the end of each day as yourself this:

“Did I move closer toward creating my ideal body today?”

If you can answer yes with great frequency, you’re going to get where you want to go. If the 'yesses' come with less frequency, you’re probably just treading water.

It sounds simple – but look around your circle of friends and I’ll bet that most 40-plus men and women can’t answer "yes" very often.

Most of the time they just do the same thing over and over, waiting for improvement to magically happen.

Well, I've yet to see someone lean and strong through some sort of magic, but I've seen plenty of folks just like you do it by making small choices every day that move them toward their goals.

So start using this single question as your accountability partner to build the ideal body and life you want.

Hope you found this helpful.

To your success,

Coach Joe



Joseph Arangio helps 40+ men and women get leaner, stronger, and happier. He's delivered over 100,000 transformation programs to satisfied clients around the globe. If you want to lose weight from home, with the best online age-management personal trainer, or you want to visit the best longevity personal trainer in the Lehigh Valley, you can take a free 14-day trial.

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